@drahardja this is how it is, which is why the role AI should replace is the CEO. No one AI will make worse choices then most of these numbnuts. You don't have to be "smart" to be a CEO. You have to say the right things to the right people and they let you do it. I'm not being hyperbolic, I've worked in corporate asshat world most of my adult life, at least 90 percent of people who succeed in corporate do so because they can bullshit people. They may even be brilliant, but brilliance isn't why they're successful. I know lots of brilliant people who are relegated to the broom closet - most brilliant people are relegated to the broom closet.

Sometimes when I'm in a meeting with these people I want to laugh in their faces or scream, "Be real you fucking tool. Stop performing. You look like a fucking moron."

What was I talking about?