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Every web site I go to these days:

Tom Sellers

@mathew Close, but the button to decline says “No thanks”

Always hated having to “thank” them for interrupting me..


@TomSellers No, no, you've got the interpretation of that one all wrong. It's "I elect to give you no thanks", not "no, but thanks".


Thanasis Kinias

if I get in the way of what you’re trying to do consistently enough, maybe you’ll sign up for spam!


Don't fall for it, the popup doesn't know if you're subscribed or not.

@tkinias @mathew

Ben Brockert

@mathew Then another dialog from the top of the screen: click 'allow' to be notified of future opportunities to be kicked in the nuts


@mathew the new version of it lately is "you can access the content for free if you accept to get kicked in the nuts by us and our 855 partners, or pay a 10€/month subscription"

Leonard Ritter

@mathew "I'm going deeper underground / there's too much enshittification in this town" -- Jamiroquai

серафими многоꙮчитїи

@mathew lmao, I just switched to this tab, so your image looked like an actual popup....

... and I nearly clicked "Maybe later" on autopilot

IPng Networks

@mathew @claushc I instinctively clicked maybe later. The pattern works!!


@mathew That whole "Maybe later" thing is incredibly gross. It's very strong evidence that techbros do *not* understand consent at all.

Metalpoet :pentagram:

@mathew give them a year and the "Maybe" will get removed from the second button.

Another year and it is "Later but twice as hard".


@Buster this screenshot has a different meaning for some of us, especially on 🙃


@mathew *immediate popup* “Subscribe for more of this website!”
“But I haven’t even seen what your website offers yet”
“Subscribe for more!!”


@mathew also “please disable your nut protection barrier such that you will feel the full glorious force of our boot”

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