@LaF0rge I largely concur with your opinion, except for this bit:
“[…] passport, their employer or their place of residence”
Ignoring the whole Linux clusterfuck for a moment, why do you feel like employer should be a protected category?
My feelings: We must not discriminate against properties one can’t control. Usually who you work for is something you can control. If one works for a company I deem sus, why should I not extend that judgement to it’s employees that freely choose to associate?
@ronya I don't really see how the employer matters *except* in cases where the maintained code is something that employer has instructed the developer to submit (like a device driver of a device made by said employer). Developers are not some kind of zombie/property/droid owned by their employer. I would find it an insult if I was reduced to that role/hat. Maybe it's different in today's corporate Linus world. When I grew up people were kernel hackers first, no matter who happened to employ them