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@jack if only I had an idea. I'll install all updates first, maybe it fixes itself. Maybe the modem firmware is buggy or something.


@grishka yeah I've never seen that before, that would most likely fix it


@jack nope it didn't. So naturally I googled it. I honestly had no idea SIM cards come in different classes that operate at different voltages and mine is around 10 years old, so...


@grishka oh wow yeah I've never heard of that 😅

Goodluck getting a new one - probably not too hard


@jack took me a whopping 20 minutes, most of which was walking to the carrier store and back. They told me that "SMS wouldn't work for 24 hours". Which is reassuring lol, they don't trust their own procedures/employees enough even tough getting a replacement SIM requires an ID


Another YIKES moment: the data transfer process still doesn't transfer apps installed from outside of Google Play, of which I have too damn many. I assume it does transfer the data, so it's only the question of finding all the apks, but still, damn, was all that antitrust stuff for nothing? There's no technical limitation to just transferring the damn apks across devices automatically without me having to do `adb install` 30 times.


Some of those are just open-source apps from places like F-Droid. Some are debug builds of my own apps. Some are mods. Some are apps from sanctioned Russian companies.


Are you sure about this, Google? Doesn't really check out with your SafetyNet hardware attestation bullshit.


One thing bothers me A LOT. The content of the status bar is centered within it geometrically instead of with the camera hole like it is on the Pixel 4a. And the screen radius is larger than on the 4a. It does look totally fine on screenshots, but in real life, it's close to one of those deliberately very fake OSes they use in movies.


They fixed it in today's update but they made the entire status bar CHONKY to also keep the geometric alignment. So not only did they align the icons vertically with the camera hole, they also made the padding above and below it equal. Not sure I like it.


@grishka how to contact it without a working sim?


@mittorn put it into your old phone. Or visit a carrier store. Or borrow someone else's phone. Or use VoIP

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