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151 posts total

#Smithereen is about to become GDPR compliant 😅

I like my approach with deactivation period better than what others do. For example, @pixelfed deletes accounts immediately and it turns out people change their minds on this stuff sometimes.


Aral Balkan

@grishka @smallcircles @pixelfed Might be an idea to give the option of immediate deletion should the person want it. An unchecked checkbox, maybe. Always good to let the person in question have full control over what happens to their data.


Oops, I broke everything on because I initiated its transfer to a cheaper registrar last week and it only actually transferred today... and the NS records carried over. Pointing to servers that no longer know about this domain. Fixed them now, but I wonder how long the cache invalidation would take.


Seems to have started propagating now.

(yes, it's "fun" to troubleshoot DNS on airport wifi)


Deutsche Bahn is fully meeting my expectations so far


@grishka not everyone can say that ;-)
I think you should consider yourself lucky.
Have a good trip


Thinking of it, M1 iPads are almost like running DOS on an AMD Threadripper.

Almost, because DOS would at least allow you to run arbitrary unsigned software and even write your own.


Everyone adding "in the EU" to all those Apple news like it's a real insurmountable obstacle. It's not just for the EU. It's for the entire world. Stupid malicious-compliance geoblocks are meant to be bypassed. I'm sure someone will figure it out in like an hour after the beta comes out.

sam henri gold

@grishka I played a drinking game every time they said something about inevitable risks or "we can mitigate damage but not eliminate it" and now im shitfaced at 2pm


Remember how nearly every social app in the early 2010s had photo filters?

Modern phones have some really powerful camera hardware. For example, on anything but the crappiest cheapest Android phones, you can obtain full-size raw HDR (10- or 12-bit) images straight from the sensor in real time. I wonder what kinds of filters that would make possible 🤔


Still having a hard time getting over the fact that it's 2024 already


A question for those who might want to run a #Smithereen server in the future — is support for S3-compatible object storage for storing media files a desirable feature? I'm refactoring media file storage anyway so could as well add an abstraction layer that would allow this sort of thing.



While I'm currently working on many (and I mean many) New And Improved™ moderation tools in #Smithereen, I also added a tiny user-facing thing because clicking CWs one by one was tedious to say the least.

#activitypub #mastodev


The moderation tools will finally make it practical to run a Smithereen instance with open signups. There will also be account deletion. It turns out deleting local accounts is hard when you care about not leaving useless files behind!


@grishka ooo what programming language is this in? i love the feed style!


Please, stop calling Twitter "X". There's no such thing as "X", it's still Twitter, has always been, will always be. You can't call things single-letter names even when their stupid CEO insists you do.

🌮 Dave Millar 🌮

@grishka while I feel like X is a stupid name picked by a stupid man, it feels wrong to dead-name it when that’s a behavior I wouldn’t want to tolerate from his supporters with regards to trans people.

Braw :blob_cat_melt: 🏳‍🌈

@grishka I like Xitter, which I read as shitter, an accurate description of twitter under the muskrats rule

Алексей Фаянс

I don't agree only with "will always be" part. :)


"Remastered in HD" is the curse of music videos on YouTube. Not only is the quality often terrible because the source material was not HD to begin with, it simply ruins the nostalgia. I *want* analog video artifacts, I even want contemporary music TV graphics superimposed on the thing, it's all an integral part of the experience.


Crazy Frog was never meant to be seen in 4K!!!1

The original vs the pathetic parody.


Their webfinger endpoint (/.well-known/webfinger), which is essential for federating with Mastodon, is still not up tho 🤔


IT corporations remind me of some of my relatives. They are also incapable of remembering those of my preferences that they don't like, instead asking me same things over and over again and acting very surprised every time, despite knowing me for several decades.


To add insult to the injury, the easiest way out of these unwanted modals — the back button — does nothing for this particular one. For Google, this whole RCS crap is apparently a Big Deal™.


IT corporations remind me of some of my relatives. They are also incapable of remembering those of my preferences that they don't like, instead asking me same things over and over again and acting very surprised every time, despite knowing me for multiple decades.


I'm gonna do something very unusual for me — I'll say a good thing about modern graphic design trends.

Serif fonts are making a comeback. Finally. I hope gradients, textures, and shadows will follow.


Is macOS Sonoma stable enough for me to upgrade to it?


@grishka yep. And the wallpaper is awesome 🪄


Everyone's posting their Spotify wrapped, while Spotify has somehow lost my account without warning in the process of leaving Russia last year ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


@grishka Why did you leave Russia? Did something happen? Is there anything we can do to help you from Ukraine?

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