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140 posts total

Somehow, the only way I found to test touch events in JS on desktop is the iOS simulator that comes with Xcode ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


@grishka but xcode not comes to desktop, it's only comes t iMac...


TypeScript must be the only OOP language in this entire universe where PRIVATE fields of two classes in the same inheritance hierarchy can conflict with each other.

Braw :blob_cat_melt: 🏳‍🌈

@grishka because these aren't really private fields, it's TS concept. private fields begin with # and can accessed only by the class. otherwise they're normal fields that shadow the fields underneath:

class A {
field = 'uwu'
a() {
return this.field

class B extends A {
field = 'owo'
b() {
return super.field

const b = new B();
console.log(b.a()) // ⇒ "owo"
console.log(b.b()) // => undefined


I'd definitely hate to suddenly wake up straight


Heh, there's a Mastodon account that collects these ads


There's one thing Twitter is still good for: publicly shaming various organizations to have your problems solved


@grishka and shaming people in general :bleba:


I feel like I need to change the image sizes in #Smithereen. My idea with each size being 2x of the previous one is proving to be ever more of a pain in the ass. Thankfully, since I use imgproxy, it's only a matter of changing some code and the rest would "just work".

Here are the image sizes Telegram and VK use.


What if I use the Telegram ones, but add one in-between size of 640x640? 🤔


Some of the new Reddit mods are so toxic. Instead of apologizing for the bot being too harsh and reinstating my submission, they just banned me because I dared to ask what exactly I didn't "punctuate correctly".

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Braw :blob_cat_melt: 🏳‍🌈

@grishka why are you still trying to post in this garbage bin known as Reddit? They replaced mods for most popular reddits with spez bootlickers. Hard to see any other interaction happening there.

Алексей Фаянс

Typical offended asshole with powers.


#crowdstrike is an irregular English verb: crowdstrike, crowdstruck, crowdstricken


Actually....... if your computer doesn't boot, it's 100% secure, so #crowdstrike did do its job in the end


Antivirus software is a "good" backdoor that is meant to protect you from "bad" backdoors. When it works as intended, anyway.



If you build a multi-processor system with Intel Atoms, would that be an Intel Molecule?


Translation: we regularly create new busywork for you as part of our commitment to keeping our own full-time employees occupied.


How exactly does a car with an Ontario, Canada license plate end up in St Petersburg of all places


So that's interesting. It never occurred to me that different people think of time in different ways. I'm the opposite — I think of time in numbers. It takes me extra effort to read an analog clock because I have to pay attention and interpolate to end up with the hour and minute as numbers that would only then make sense to me. So I've always found an analog clock to be a very strange and inefficient way to display time.


Capybara capybara capybara capybara.


I made this with zero JS, kinda proud of myself



It's about time we start introducing GenZ to our millennial culture. The first step should be a mobile video editor app that produces videos indistinguishable from Windows XP Movie Maker.

:ohno: anton

@grishka id rather wait til the trend of old digital cameras evolves, and they're gonna use big noisy beige boxes with crt monitors and Windows ME on them to get the real experience.


So I tried Smithereen in Ladybird. It's impressive for a browser made from scratch but of course my SVG hackery breaks it.


So I was researching how one calls an underground rail system in a city in English.

It turns out it depends on which city it is. The consensus seems to be that anything outside of the US and UK is a "metro". But ours in Saint Petersburg has a bit of an identity crisis. It does call itself that on its English website, but I've also seen signs that say "subway entrance".

Also I'm still not sure what one calls the German "U-Bahn"s. English as a foreign language is weird sometimes.

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@grishka U-Bahn is short for Untergrund, which means underground. So the common translation is the underground (train), or U-train.

Or just accept it as its own word and go with U-Bahn, I think that's what I would do if I would talk to someone in English about how I got there.


@grishka you can be extra nerdy and call all city train systems MRT (mass rapid transit) :ablobcatwave:


It's like the sign and the website were translated by different people having different opinions on this stuff

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