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149 posts total

How exactly does a car with an Ontario, Canada license plate end up in St Petersburg of all places


So that's interesting. It never occurred to me that different people think of time in different ways. I'm the opposite — I think of time in numbers. It takes me extra effort to read an analog clock because I have to pay attention and interpolate to end up with the hour and minute as numbers that would only then make sense to me. So I've always found an analog clock to be a very strange and inefficient way to display time.


Capybara capybara capybara capybara.


I made this with zero JS, kinda proud of myself



It's about time we start introducing GenZ to our millennial culture. The first step should be a mobile video editor app that produces videos indistinguishable from Windows XP Movie Maker.

:ohno: anton

@grishka id rather wait til the trend of old digital cameras evolves, and they're gonna use big noisy beige boxes with crt monitors and Windows ME on them to get the real experience.


So I tried Smithereen in Ladybird. It's impressive for a browser made from scratch but of course my SVG hackery breaks it.


So I was researching how one calls an underground rail system in a city in English.

It turns out it depends on which city it is. The consensus seems to be that anything outside of the US and UK is a "metro". But ours in Saint Petersburg has a bit of an identity crisis. It does call itself that on its English website, but I've also seen signs that say "subway entrance".

Also I'm still not sure what one calls the German "U-Bahn"s. English as a foreign language is weird sometimes.

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@grishka U-Bahn is short for Untergrund, which means underground. So the common translation is the underground (train), or U-train.

Or just accept it as its own word and go with U-Bahn, I think that's what I would do if I would talk to someone in English about how I got there.


@grishka you can be extra nerdy and call all city train systems MRT (mass rapid transit) :ablobcatwave:


It's like the sign and the website were translated by different people having different opinions on this stuff


#Smithereen 0.8 is out! In this release:

- Reposts and quote-reposts
- Post embeds
- Remote interaction popup when you try to interact with a post without an account
- New profile fields (starting to feel like a social network now)
- Comment view setting: threaded (default), two-level, flat
- Hover cards for mentions
- Mention autocomplete
- Bookmarks for profiles and groups
- Lots of minor fixes and improvements

#ActivityPub #mastodev

#Smithereen 0.8 is out! In this release:

- Reposts and quote-reposts
- Post embeds
- Remote interaction popup when you try to interact with a post without an account
- New profile fields (starting to feel like a social network now)
- Comment view setting: threaded (default), two-level, flat
- Hover cards for mentions
- Mention autocomplete
- Bookmarks for profiles and groups
- Lots of minor fixes and improvements

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@Buster this screenshot has a different meaning for some of us, especially on 🙃


@mathew *immediate popup* “Subscribe for more of this website!”
“But I haven’t even seen what your website offers yet”
“Subscribe for more!!”


@mathew also “please disable your nut protection barrier such that you will feel the full glorious force of our boot”


Wwwwwwait, so they DIDN'T announce USB-C input devices for Macs? All they did announce was some software bullshit no one asked for?


More iMessage features for all those 3 people in the entire world who use iMessage.

Алексей Фаянс

The only useful addition to iMessage would be RCS support. Sometimes I have to text people, mostly delivery agents, who don't have WhatsApp/Telegram.


Imagine a world where major operating systems don't need to be updated every time our planet completes a lap around its star.

Алексей Фаянс

Once AI will be skilled enough to create an ideal vulnerability-free OS, this might happen.


What are they going to break in macOS 15?


But I do hope they at least introduce Mac accessories with USB-C. Those are the only Lightning devices they still sell. It's about time.


Imagine having ads on your personal device.


I desperately want some sort of blocker that would prevent Android apps from "randomly" popping up Google Play update sheets.

No I don't have root on my phone and no I don't want to trip SafetyNet.


This sort of thing. I absolutely hate it. So many apps are doing it lately, most of the time for no good reason whatsoever.

Like I want to order some pizza, get out of my way ffs


Another new feature in #Smithereen: bookmarks. Not like Mastodon ones, but you can now bookmark users and groups, and see all posts you've ever liked. VK had the same thing so why shouldn't I? Your people/groups bookmarks are private and never leave your server.

#activitypub #mastodev

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