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#DevConfCZ is happening! Make plans to connect with other #OpenSource contributors at this free to attend conference hosted in Brno, Czech Republic from June 16-18, 2023.

Calls for proposals are open and due on March 10! Maybe consider submitting some #Fedora related talks?

Learn more:

Vincent Batts

@fedora in June?! OHMAN. I bet it's going to be beautiful. What will everyone do if they aren't escaping to talks or bars from the cold?!


Some “wow” news from the audio front: FLAC is preparing to be a proposed standard!


Алексей Фаянс

Ого, этот форум ещё жив.. Охренеть. :)


If you ask me to describe the passing 2023 year in tech in one word it would be 'FORKS'.

They are everywhere.

Fork of CentOS, fork of Terraform, now even have a fork (supported via Open Source Initiative).

What a strange world!


Dear programmers!

If you're making software that is trying to open some URL with a browser PLEASE make an OPTION to change which one to open, or ask at first time!

It's terrible that a lot of software uses just the default browser and have no ability to change such behavior. Especially if it is some kind of 'enterprise' software, like Teams, OneDrive and so on.


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