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Matt 😎

@flpresets Oh, good lord, please let me clarify that I'm not talking about the police. You brought that up in your poor analogy at justifying why you should hold moderators accountable.

Mods are not the same thing as police.

Moving Mastodon instances is not the same thing as moving to a new city.

Thomas Guss

@leopardboy no its not the same. It's easier to move instances than a city (obviously).

But the underlying principle is identical.

That's why I used that "poor" analogy. It exaggerated the issue, but at least you finally understood the complaint.

Matt 😎

@flpresets No, sorry, I don't understand the complaint at all. What's the underlying principle that I'm grasping here?

Thomas Guss

@leopardboy when people move servers to avoid inappropriate actions of mods, we enable those mods to continue their behavior.

This dynamic is especially terrible when it happens in the biggest servers listed on joinmastodon- new people to mastodon join a server with inappropriate mods. Then get told they should expect no real recourse and need to get out, go somewhere else. They aren't accepted in the big servers.

Do you see an issue here? Please get it

jesuiSatire …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ replied to Thomas


if you want to improve the onboarding system, have at it!

other wise, yes "we" get it and yes "we" came to the conclusion that that's how the story goes.
not because it's a perfect choice but the best and most resilient "system" for all.

and btw, I haven't yet seen one link to the post in question there for from my point of view I read only one rassist and sexist remark completely out of context.

Matt 😎 replied to Thomas

@flpresets No, I disagree with you. I believe staying on an instance sends the message that you're OK with how it's being operated because they know you won't leave, regardless of how much you hold them accountable.

Yes, I "get it" and can see why someone would take what I said the way you describe, but that wasn't my point nor am I even on the same instance.

Here's another bad analogy. Staying on a bad instance is like staying in a bad relationship for the sake of itself (history).

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